常見問題 關於產品


Our products can be used anywhere on the body, including private and sensitive parts. Play & Joy personal lubricants are comprehensive and safe products.

是的, PLAY&JOY潤滑液水潤、絲滑、熱感和抑菌潤滑劑均為水性潤滑劑,PLAY&JOY潤滑液產品和保險套一起使用都非常安全。 

Yes, Play & Joy Aqua, Silky, Hot, and Antibacterial are all water personal lubricants. Play & Joy products and condoms are very safe to use together. 


Of course, many people find that using lubes with a vibrator will feel unexpected experiences. The lubes can make the vibrator slide all over the body and making the body feeling stronger. Play & Joy lubes can be used safely with all types of vibrators and massagers and they can be easily washed with water.


In fact, there are no specific regulations. The best way is to relax and enjoy it. However, when you try it for the first time, you can squeeze a little lube on your fingertips and apply it to your private parts gently. Our personal lubricants can be used alone or with a condom (you can use them before or after wearing the condom). Be careful not to use too much lube before wearing a condom. Otherwise, the condom may slip off during sexual intercourse. If necessary, you can use more at any time.


All Play & Joy lube products conform to the most stringent production process in the cleanroom of the Good Manufacturing Practice. Our products have undergone rigorous testing and are used in accordance with the European CE international certification standards. The difference from other companies is that we have our own formulas, so our lube products are unique and complete. Our products do use high-quality raw materials and provide customers with friendly experiences. 


All Play & Joy lube products are non-toxic and will not be harmful to the human body. Besides, they are all certified by SGS and GMP. Play & Joy’s water-based lube does not contain any dyes or artificial pigment.


Play & Joy lube is set to 5.5 and can be used in any part of the body, including private and sensitive parts. The regular pH value of the vagina and vulva is weakly acidic, so it will not destroy the pH value of the genitals. Consumers do not have to worry about causing bacterial infections and causing vaginitis.

常見問題 關於用法

絕對不是!長久以來,人們一直把潤滑劑和男同性戀者或陰道乾燥的女性聯想在一起。 但是,越來越多人純粹為了獲得更美好的性經驗而使用潤滑劑。潤滑液能用來提升感官刺激,增添樂趣或加強潤滑作用。

Absolutely not! People often associate lube with gay or women with dry vaginas. However, more and more people simply want to get a better sexual experience. The use of lube can be used to enhance sensory stimulation or enhance lubrication, and make the experience more fun.


Most other brands of lubes will inhibit the flow of sperm when used, but Play & Joy products do not contain spermicide and any spermicidal ingredients. Please feel free to use it.


PLAY&JOY lubes are not only designed to help individuals with dryness issues but can also be used to increase the pleasure of any intimate experience. Many women think that friction during sex is normal, but this is a wrong concept. It means that her natural lubrication is not enough, so our lube can be used to improve it. Besides, Using lubes on the outside of the condom will help reduce friction and irritation during sexual intercourse, and can effectively enhance the enjoyment and pleasure experience.


Vaginal dryness is caused by many factors such as stress, menopause, frequent intercourse, pregnancy, and many other reasons. Causes of insufficient lubrication may also include some common medications, such as overuse of over-the-counter drugs, antihistamines, oral contraceptives, medications for ulcer disease, anti hypertensive drugs, and oral contraceptives, antidepressants, etc.


Saliva can be used as a lube, but it is definitely not the best lubricant because the effect of saliva is not enough. If you must use lube, it is recommended that you use Play & joy lubes that can make you get a great experience.


Personal lubricant is a commonly used sex product, but most people don’t know how to choose it. Lubes are usually divided into water-based and oil-based. The water-based is easy to clean and it has become mainstream. The oil-based is mostly used for the lubrication of the anus, so it is rarely used as a product for vaginal lubrication.


Of course, but the personal lubricant can only be used in private parts. Personal Lubricant is not suitable to be applied to the chest because the lube will be absorbed into the skin slightly to make the baby uncomfortable.

常見問題 關於購買

【PLAY & JOY】潤滑液雖可以在網路各大商城購買,但因產品太過熱銷,導致不少仿冒品於市面販售,  建議還是透過官方網站購買才能保證是正品。如您需要實體店面購買,也歡迎來電詢問喔 ~~~

Although Play & Joy personal lubricant can be purchased online, many counterfeit products are sold on the market because our product is too popular. We recommend that customers can purchase through our official website to ensure that they are genuine.


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